Thanks for following International Ventures: Paris

Bonjour et Bienvenue! If you've made it to our blog, it probably means you're praying for our trip, financially supporting our trip, interested in following the progess of our trip, wishing you were on our trip, or all of the above!

Regardless of what brought you to this page, we're glad you're here! Please browse our site, get to know our team, familiarize yourself with what our team of 11 students and 2 staff from the King's College in New York City will be doing in Metropolitain Paris from June 3rd-20th!


Spencer, Greg, Eliza, Sarah, Amelia, Jess, Corinne, Amber, Rosie, Alexandra, Kristin, Chris and Harry!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

C'est nous!

Meet our team! (Left to right) 

Chris White (TKC '09)
Alexandra Harrison (TKC '13)
Sarah Ferrara (TKC '12)
Corinne Cordasco (TKC '13)
Amber Bergey (TKC '11)
Amelia Bouffard (TKC '14)
Rosie Jonker (TKC '12)
Greg Dubois (TKC '13)
Jessica Derivera (TKC '13)
Kristin Rudolph (TKC '11)
Eliza Ohman (TKC '13)
Spencer Imbrock (TKC '12)
Dr. Harry Bleattler (TKC Faculty)

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